than entire.
Small to robust, usually tufted plants. Stems erect, simple or branching
by subfloral innovations, often matted with radicles below. Leaves lanceolate
to ovate or obovate, often bordered, larger and often clearly tufted at
stem apex; costa strong, usually percurrent or excurrent; cells linear to laxly
rhomboidal, often narrower at margins. Calyptra cucullate, generally small.
Capsule exserted, inclined to pendulous, rarely erect, usually elongate and
tapering to distinct neck; stomata numerous, confined to neck; operculum
convex and apiculate; peristome sometimes lacking, or consisting only of
exostome or endostome, but usually double, the 16 teeth alternating with
the keeled segments, usually rising from high, keeled basal membrane, cilia
often present.
Leaves in 3 to 4 rows, dimorphous, dorsal smaller (1) Epipterygium
Leaves uniform, in many rows.
Capsules erect or nearly so; segments of endostome lacking or rudimentary; leaves
closely imbricate (2) Brackymenium
Capsules inclined to pendent, segments well developed; leaves erect or spreading.
Stems producing rhizomelike stolons; sporophytes clustered (3) Rkodobryum
Stems not stoloniferous; sporophytes single (4) Bryum
Nota Aclaratoria
Esta página es sin fines de lucro. Nuestro interés es el ilustrar nuestra flora y servir de referencia a toda nuestra población. Si usted entiende que algo no debe de estar aquí publicado, favor de escribirnos. Agradecemos la cooperación y ayuda de todos los que hacen posible esta página.Incluiremos solo nombres usados por nuestro se usarán nombres cientí imposible ilustrar una flora quebradillana,con más de mil tomaran datos científicos que garanticen sus usos,y peligros,la parte folklorica se discutirá,pero no se asegurarán los comentarios.creemos que con ilustrar 600 plantas bastará.termino hoy 8 de junio del 2018,esperando que sea parte de nuestro patrimonio de pueblo
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